Wednesday, June 10, 2009

County Winner--5th grade Poetry!!

JT was honored at the Young Author's Contest Celebration.  She read her winning poem to the appreciative audience as follows--

by JT

Horses run wild and free!
They fly across the land like honeybees.
They splash across rivers with a sparkling flow
Many cross mountains together they go.

The horses run, the wind catches their mane.
They look like they are racing one close to gain,
Like mystical magical fairies of land
They all go together in one big band.

Horses run wild
 More than a mile.
 Some animals are stuck in a zoo
Not horses, that's true
I wish I could run free and wild, like the horses do!

JT enjoyed meeting an author who shared the steps to being published.  We are thankful for our honored author JT!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Very nice poem JT!