Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall Festivus

A great time was had by one and all at our ward fall social. Check out the tables heavy laden with chili, cornbread, and pies. What could be better? We had a beautiful day, perfect for the
premier performance of our old lady band--The Black Eyed Susans. Take time to note the hat decor. We also answer to Susie Q's, Blackies, Susie woosies etc. We mostly laugh and laugh some more at our rehearsals. I am honored to be a part of this elustrious group.
Our daughters joined in singing a beautiful song "The River is Wide" that has Shenendoah as a counter melody.
I am posting this now to hopefully hold the correct sequencial spot so I can figure out how to post the videos of the band and especially of JT and her teacher fiddlin 3 Irish Jigs together.

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